My computer doesn't jive with the "new" SG graphic layout. I feel like a relic from the old world, when the site was simple and it was pretty easy for me to check out the ha cha cha felines. Now, I see a pink bar while the photos load load load and I try and navigate the updated realm.
Wow. And then wow again. I have been off the site for many, many moons. My life has taken the yellow brick road to Oz; then down the rabbit hole; up into the stars and the ether; and then a rough landing back to Earth. I dusted the wings off, bandaged the broken feathers. Back again, a Phoenix, and hopefully stronger for all the paths....
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I hope you like it where you are now!

It is sad and shocking to hear when someone so beautiful and still young leaves us.
I just wanted to write a small note for her here.
I hope she is in another place where everything is more simple, peaceful, and happier, if those concepts apply to wherever energy goes.
Her passing follows that of my close friend Matt. Pulls at...
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Amazing how people you never truly meet can touch and shape your life, isn't it
And my condolences for your friend's passing as well.
Sorry there have not been any new sets.
Well actually there are, but there's been changes in the system at SG, so I will most likely just stay as a regular ol' member.
Sorry my dears.
That is the beauty and agony of paperwork.
Things just never stay the same, do they.
Toodles pips,
see a shark get out of the water. colder water thends to allow for white sharks. becareful girl. we still ahve to go surfing one of these days.
what was your major, i am sure i could give you some tips.

Does someone push the fast-forward button on time as the years go by?
I spent New Year's Eve shakin' my booty to some bad-ass beats by this lass named Miranda.
Not sure if that's her dj name or what, but it was good. Some old school down low feelings mixed with bumping beats and dirty tracks.
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I may be back eventually, but if I'm not back by the time you have a new set go up, let me know what I'm missing!
Stay awesome.

Wherever does it go?
It is almost Christmas, and I didn't even get the moment to upload my nifty Hallow's Eve gte up.
It is late.
My eyelids, they hang heavy and solemn, for the hour is late, and sleep has been less than friendly with me as of late. I was on a role there for a while, but alas,...
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I guess it always has been but it seems the entropy is speeding up the course of degradation.
I'm not much of an activist so I choose to not spew opinions and such except that the news, indeed, is utterly depressing in that distant, cold way offered when events are spread far overseas.
On a different note, I...
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Judging from your intelligent smirk that so sensually glides on your face the world is yours for the taking.
I been away from the tek-gnaw-low-gee for quite a while!
I didn't make it to Costa Rica for political CIA reasons I am not at liberty to discuss, BUT I did spend a month up North in the wee little town of Trinidad in Humboldt and it was pretty pretty and I had ever the loveliest company to keep everything warm and toasty...
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why you havent a new set ?
Eff the last journal entry.
It's friggin' depressing.
Hey, anyone hunkered down in Costa Rica? I need to learn Spanish, but I prefer to learn it and surf when I'm not. Ideas, anyone?
Till next..

Oh oh oh...AND I have actually already been to Costa Rica, but not for a month which is what I want. Not all super gringo style either. Anyway,...
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Sorry to hear about the last entry, hope you`re ok.
Life moves on and doesn`t wait for us.
Send you some love and luck for learning spannish
Pimsleur Spanish Mp3s ripped from a torrent site work well in an ipod for downtime on the plane, and laying on the beach