Golden Night
If the night is to be golden, then let it be golden.
For in it, you are the only one I want to be holding.
As nights go, this one is an incredibly bright one.
A crow of a different kind has shown me a new sun.
I caress her beautiful skin, her hair a mixture of blonde and black.
Her ebony eyes pierce through my soul as if some attack.
I follow with my lips, the trail on her chest of spotted tats.
As I move a little south I am faced with a couple of bats.
I continue on my journey and when I arrive at Ombligo Bay.
Shes murmuring and sighing, but has nothing to say.
Next stoptwo starsthat dont shine bright.
Shes got one tattooed on her left and one her right.
Involved in each others movements we move as one.
For this journey is truly almost now done.
Off come the panties by glimmering candle light.
This momentous occasion is truly a Golden Night!