Hey! It's Saint-Nicolas today in my country... A bit like Santa Claus. I guess I won't receive anything but he gives children presents, just before Santa Claus. Lucky children were really happy in Belgium today, I guess. And they'll be again on the 25th.
This is a pic of him, with his helper and his donkey (well... here it's not a donkey but children can't see the difference):

If you want to choose your Christmas present, it's still there. Votes closed on the 16th.
And for mine, it's still there too :p

This is a pic of him, with his helper and his donkey (well... here it's not a donkey but children can't see the difference):

If you want to choose your Christmas present, it's still there. Votes closed on the 16th.
And for mine, it's still there too :p

I hate to be discourtious.
Qua de nuef?