dreamage :: working in a co-ed prison, training farm-dragons while not-so-secretly teaching them to hunt & kill squirrels

While I still need to continue testing my BP daily & set up an 'echo,' the results are in from the testing barrage & I'm *drum roll please* surprisingly(?) Healthy! w/ slightly elevated cholesterol in one regard & needing no meds or further evaluation beyond the aforementioned


Well... I *was* going to get some laundry done, finally, but all 3 machines are *flooded!* >:(

'yay, fasting-for-bloodwork' day... gonna be a long workday, though technically I'll be leaving a little early for the apt ... :(

So, of course, I gotta do a follow-up for bloodwork w/ pre-fasting & set up an echo... should've known/expected

They weren't entirely happy w/ the circled # *but* I did think they should keep in mind I *did* walk a 1/2hr to get there just 5mins before it was tested... plus nervousness about even being *in* a Dr's office for 1st time in 33yrs...

Yes, kids, the rumourmill is true, tomorrow I will be having my 1st general examination since HS ( 33yrs )

so sometime in the next month or so, I need to get set up with a general checkup before I complete my cadet training ... time to send out a few e'mails to nearby places and see what can be done !

... got an appt set up in a couple weeks - not cheap, but still cheaper than having "insurance" by any means

I think you've missed part of your message ❤️
@headshot oof... kinda blew it with that typo !
A financial advisor for those over 50 on TV this morning actually said 'deposit 6$ a week into savings and you'll have over 2000$ by the end of the year' !... uhm, that's not how math works, lady, not even close ! people listen to this ? no wonder there's financial instability !
I’m not good at math, but the math ain’t mathing here, sir! lol!
@amorous exactly !  I don't know if she had misspoke, but since she wasn't corrected and then continued talking about the 2000$ a year savings, my jaw just dropped wondering who in the world she's even allowed to advise !

for the next 277hrs, this station is conducting a vacation... this is not a test ;)

Have a good time! 😎

Well... I had AI draw its version of my Ether Bunny drawings this morning and... wow...

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This year's been going by so exceedingly fast... faster yet since those temps dropped and we got hit with true MN wintertide * sighs *

Now less than 2 weeks from the 1st vaca of the year - beginning with the MN Gr Ldge Communication and the week to follow
no real plans beyond Grand Lodge & Lodge, but I'm sure I'll find something that'll...
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1927 gave us the 1st full-length talkie w/ dialogue ( albeit limited )... hey, tinseltown, you have less than 3yrs to give us some new & exciting cinematic technological experience !