Guess who's back?! That's RIGHT! Slim Shady in the house and Rap Boy here too? Damn! The new release (single for now) from Eminem is a banger and the video is tight!!! Check it out! "Houdini" from Eminem. Oh, watch for the Dragonball-esque moment I know you'll all get towards the very end!! See ya! I'm fighting in a Street Fighter 6 Zangief players only...
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I'm not a big fan of Eminem but what's wrong with him?
No wayyyy! 🔥

Links to new promotion campaign for my music! Give it a whirl?

Johnny Cash's version of Nine Inch Nails' track "Hurt" off the album Cash from 2003. That's all I'm going to say.

See you all on the other side of my own personal "Mount Heart Attack."

Johnny Cash 🖤🖤🖤
@infernum truly a god amongst men.

Nirvana, "Lithium" off Nevermind. Enjoy I guess...

From the magical man/demon that is Silverio I give you "Salon de Belleza" live in Oakland!! From the album Naylons! Enjoy!! See you all later! <3 Big ups to my SG fam!!

Ui, is he really playing with his 21st finger?
@zweitesich lol!!

So here's he good part of that. I'll be doing all of the cooking and baking myself! I've never done the cooking and baking for myself and I figured, "Fuck it, why not?" I've done if for family and other loved ones before and it's always been appreciated so instead of ordering out, this is on me this year. It'll distract from how much I...
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@bluenicorn thank you sweetie <3  I appreciate you so much!
@zweitesich thank you my brother!  I appreciate it!

All these tracks are coming from the second album Bonsai Superstar from January 1st in 1994! An epic album to be sure! So let's start with the first track "Hot Metal Doberman's" okay?

Next up, "Radio Apeshot" enjoy!

Finally for the trifecta I give you my personal favorite "Fucking With The Altimeter" and the samples of the woman talking ("give me some love" "such a...
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From Moderat (The two guys from Modeselektor and the dude from Apparats) I give you the track "Bad Kingdom" off the Moderat album II (2) from 2013. Enjoy or fell sad... I'm really not sure myself anymore what I feel here. Love you all. See you when I'm no longer sick... Also, I'm not happy because my favorite anime/manga creator died. As I'm sure you...
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It hurts when one of the artists you grew up with is no longer with us. But you can see that in a positive light. He created so many pics, mangas, animes, stories, memories, ideas.... he is immortal through his work and his legacy. You always can grab that book from your shelf, smile and remember the moments when you first time read that story.... don't give up.
@fredhincanada @olgakulaga @headshot @zweitesich thank you all for the concern/love. I feel it all and I appreciate all of you very much! You (and so many others) truly rock!!  <3

From the monumental album Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles, I give you the absolute classic "A Day In The Life." Enjoy! See ya!


Revolution everyone. Time to bring the entire system down. From Atari Teenage Riot's 1999 album 60 Second Wipeout, the track "Revolution Action" wake up and also enjoy! Time is now, revolution for all. One love, one freedom.

From the one, the only "DJ Mowgly" aka Alec Empire or if you prefer, Alexander Wilke from Atari Teenage Riot fame with his amazingly tutorial like Drum N' Bass classic "Cook" from 1995. It's fuckin' amazing, it slaps, it's what ya need if you're a bass junkie fo sho. Enjoy. See ya later. Wanted to post this since it's been my inspiration for my musical...
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ha... like the bass here :)

So, I'm in love with this artist's work. Larry Gus. He's fucking amazing. So from his first album Years Not Living, I give you the track "The Night Patrols (A Man Asleep)" and it's a banger imo. Even more impressive to me is that he's on the very hard to get signed to label DFA (Death From Above) Records headed by LCD Soundsystem front man/genius...
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