Hopeful Since 2014

The Comic Strip 4/22/14: Batman: Eternal, Walking Dead, Lazarus, and more

I'm also posting on YouTube so if you have any trouble with the video, you can try there as well.

SG Embed Code: https://www.suicidegirls.com/videos/13868/the-comic-strip-42214-batman-eternal-walking-dead-lazarus-and-more/
Wow, that's kinda a tough question. I got my friend kinda into Northlanders cause he loves vikings and stuff. It kinda depends on what they're into. I think one of my friends would love Skullkickers. I don't think I can just pick one or a few comics in general.
Am definitely gonna check out Batman. I love all things Batman, my favorite series being Knightfall.
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