Member Since 2020


💀💀Matt told your mind about “Matt”💀💀Overcoming Schizophrenia💀💀

Ghetto Matt’s Mom and Dad’s Subconscious told Me about a Different son named Matt Knaub and I lost my body when I found out who he was.

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My subconscious said he only knew Matt Knaub as things were being told to him from an external point. To my animal hindbrain, my conscience mind was the same as anyone else’s subconscious hive mentality. This is a catharsis experience, as if my hindbrain never saw what “he” looked like until these past 2 days really.
I am so sorry for what I have said about this person named Matt Knaub in a psychic way. I didn’t know who we was. Your hindbrain are larger and more developed than most women. I am afraid the things I have communicated mind to mind is why we have not made friends yet. I need to have women in my life so it can always be said I choose someone, and she will be the woman I am with for the rest of my life.
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