need cheering up... will do so tonight, if it doesn't rain and flood my place again...
YES!!! no phone call tonight!! wooop! I hate being made to feel like shit,... but I got a letter from my old medical aid after 3 yrs of not being with them that i owe them money... wtf!
Trying to prepare myself for the emotional blackmail and torture from my ex wife... it would have been our 4year anniversary tomorrow and so far she's phoned me every year for the past 3 years and has cried.
Ouch, good luck with that one. shocked

Deal, you get the role of a jokester! I do not predict your survival, but I promise I'll laugh at your jokes and shed a little tear after we discover your body in the aforementioned toilet.
I promise I won't let you down wink
I normally have a coffee warning when I share funny things just so that you don't have to clean up afterwards...
**Coffee Warning**

Davida Gets a Divorce
Last night was epic! walked to my place from a house party and blazed it up made popcorn and walked back with a bowl of popcorn! good times...
I Love the GoPro videos they make me realise there is still so much I want to do with my life.