silvercharmer, I come in at the Denver airport but straight from there I'm heading over to Colorado Springs. Visit time...
BrightRedScream, We should make a trip together. I want to visit Canada. You have seasons too.
I decided that since I'm changing myself from the inside might as well change myself on the outside.
So, I dyed my hair red. No ones really seen it yet just pictures.
I've been getting compliments so that's good.
How do you end a relationship you know isn't going anywhere.
It's just dragging but yet you really do want to be with the person.
idk, where this is's super late and I just need to put some thoughts down.
A-Team is no more. Well someone isn't in it anymore. Lame!
Life goes on. I don't need someone to sit me down and talk... Read More
this is always really tough. i think the only thing to do is be honest and upfront with the person as soon as possible. it may hurt them, but they'll get over it in time. you can only be honest. good luck xx
No more navy..job searching.
unfortunately i thought i was able to control my asthma since its not chronic.
but i cant its getting worse. whenever i laugh to much my asthma acts up. even walking to much at once..
super lame.