i was talking to my ex boyfriend online and of course i was pouring my heart out telling him that i want to be with him and he was pretty much telling me that i have to move on but he knows that it wont be easy for me but that i have to try harder and stuff like that. i seriously want to be his friend and not think bout him in that way but i cant. ughh . .i hate crying for people it makes me feel so stupid and useless. i think im gonna need help on this feeling i have. people say to find someone to help me move on but wat if that doesnt work out or something happens. i dunno. i hate this stupid feeling i get for people. all i get back is being heart broken.
Suggestions... Avoid him if you still feel like you want him. You can go from relationship to friend, but you need to clear the board first. As long as you want him, you can't be his friend. It's not fair to him or to you. Could you honestly listen to him if he had girl trouble? So stay clear and feel better. Take some time for yourself. Secondly, don't find someone to help you get over it (though flings rarely hurt, as long as no feelings are involved). Relationship jumping is dangerous (physically and psychologically), and the best way to feel better is to feel better with yourself, not with someone else. No one takes the time to be single for a while anymore, and it's a really healthy thing. You really have to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with someone else. Sure, it's lonely, but it builds strength. It's alright to have feelings for people... Just don't be ruled by them. You are the most important thing, you need to take care of yourself, cause you are the only person that you absolutely have to live with for the rest of your life.