i finally got to hang out with the girl.shes soo cute. yea my friends dissed me out today which really sucks. they alwayz complain about me not hanging out with them all the time and then when we have a chance to chill they pull this shit. jerks. anywayz hopefully my friend andres doesnt diss me out tonight. ill tell you about later.
yo...you used to be in gainesville, and we never hung out...why? i don't know...hope you're having fun down south though!
whOa...you got a new pic!!!! (well...it's new to me at least) my goodness you're beautiful. oh my!!!

i miss you girlie. i hope you're doing well. good luck with "the girl" she'd be crazy to think you're anything short of marvelous smile

hey!! i saw a picture of a girl here who lives in the same city as me. she is soo pretty. i want her!! lol hopefully, she doesnt read this and gets freaked out about it because i actually want to meet her. but im probably not her type. confused but yea any suggestions?
smile smile love love smile
miao!! miao!! miao!!
How far are you from Tampa?
today was such a crappy day. my friend asked me to go out today but awhile ago and i dont really want my mom bitchin about me going out late. si i said that i couldnt. ughh!!! i hate being home.i feel like going out and drinking. i actually want to meet some of the sg members that live by me. that would actually be...
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yeah...damn, most of the nifty girls on this site live in florida...hmpf tongue
you are mine too!
eeek eeek ive had time to hang out with my friends it was awexome. for v day we went to a show and got drunk. i ended up making out with this chick natalie. we were holding hands throughtout the night. i saw a lot if my friends at the show. A lot of guyz were getting turned on with me and my friend kissing. we thought...
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...and me too...rowr...
My friends are so straight but I've kissed them all when they were drunk (hey they asked!). Always an interesting experience. I don't know about you but I think it's weird to find out what kind of kisser they are.
i moved back to miami. i couldnt stand being in gainesville for a moment longer. so far its been pretty kool and weird at the sametime. ive had a lot of people declaring things to me. But, ive been able to catch up with my friends and stuff that has been going out. which is kool. i met a couple of new people.they seem pretty...
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i was suppose to leave yesterday back to gainesville but at the last minute i had a change of plans and decided to stay in miami awhile longer. my mom doesnt know that im still here and hopefully she wont find out im staying at my best friends house(shes on vacation too she lives in ohio) shocked

i got my ears pierced again and they hurt....
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virgin suicides is a good movie!
Do you know this punk kid Larry that lives in Gainseville? He's got a big hawk, pretty short, dark skin a but crusty and likes leftover crack.

well yea i my day was okay didnt do much. my vacation has been so far good no car accident,yet. hopefully i wont jynx myself. confused

i didnt do much just go online and talk to kiscica. smile
which was kool. shes purrty.how can anyone resist.
im still at my uncles house dog and cat sitting while hes in texas.fun

Hopefully, everyones having fun in their Vacation.bye!!
miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
having a nice winter break. I hope the rest of your vacation goes greatskull
well yea i my day was okay didnt do much. my vacation has been so far good no car accident,yet. hopefully i wont jynx myself. confused

i didnt do much just go online and talk to kiscica. smile
which was kool. shes purrty.how can anyone resist.
im still at my uncles house dog and cat sitting while hes in texas.fun

Hopefully, everyones having fun in their Vacation.bye!!
miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
miao!! miao!!
ive been falling asleep really late im not getting sleeping until like 7am.but i wont be able to actually fall asleep until 8. tongue

My plan on going home on friday isnt gonna work. instead i think i might leave on saturday morning.which is okay for me i guess. confused

I just found out yesterday night that one of my friends actually thinks im hot.which is a...
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i miss you, pretty girl...
my lovely kiscica how i miss talking to you.
i actually found a really kool person on this site that actually talks to me and she has the same birthday as me. miao!!

i was suppose to go to school today and talk to the couselor about my classes for next semester but it was rainning pretty bad and i woke up late. They say that tomorrow its gonna be a thunderstorm which sucks too....
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i wanna switch places with you. i want to see snow. o0o i want your laptop. can i have it? aww.... thanx
yea im gonna stay over there for like three weeks most likely.
things can really suck. today was one of those days when a lot of things are going through your head and you realize how shitty things are and you know that they might not get better. which pretty much gets you down and depressed. well, thats how my day was which really scks because im only 18 and im already going through shit.

should have read "...not take things for granted."

i'm an idiot, so sue me.
my mother did.
yea i think late teens is when most people go through their problems.
im finally home again from my thanksgiving break and being in miami with my family. i had some intresting moments. girls can be so difficult in things confusing at times too. drama sux ass and im tired of it. but like wat my ex bf says that drama is wat really make life intresting which i agree in.