today, i was thinking a lot about what im feeling and what i should do about it. i alwayz tell myslef to keep away.but i cant. not when i really like the person. i'll try to lie to myself and say that this person means nothing to me but just us being friends but i know i feel more. most of my relationships turn out...
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Well, the real question is: has it been (and will it be) more good than bad? If so, I'd say go for it. Playing safe only keeps you home.
hm, i never played it safe and i'm one fucked up gal now. tricky, tricky...there's no right answer for this question and there's really no way of tellin'.
love thinking of pinupsandguns love

today was my nephews birthday he finally turns 3yrs old. i think hes the cutest thing. but he can be the biggest pain in the ass.
im really looking forward to thursday. i get to be with pinupsandguns. my best friend wants to meet her.

pinupsandgunssmile love kiss
Oh, I'd totally be your makeout partner, dude.


I'd scare you off.
my best friends here already with her ohio friends. they are pretty annoying but i stuck it up. its a bit weird having her around since im not used to it. i was mostly with silvia(her sister). i mostly hung out with silvia,christy and collette. collette is so fucking cute. i think shes soo awesome. so are the rest of the chicks.
*things going through...
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i think hes a coolguy and all. but i have a lot more feelings to you,definetly.your more of my type then he is. i really want to be with you. but i think we need to get to know each other more. but i do like you a lot. the feelings probably not that much mutual. who knows?
Hey you. I was at Churchills on Friday too. But I don't think that I saw you...labret, septum, short hair? I woulda noticed. I was only there about half an hour, nursing a shot at the bar. I couldn't even tell you who the bands were... I'll keep my eyes peeled (eewww) for you. It would be neat to meet a fellow sg member serendipitiously (or surreptitiously, for that matter). Or I'll give you a heads up next time I am going to head to Churchill's. By the way, in my profile picture, I'm the one in the back...
good luck with the shy guy.
well, change of plans for today since nici(best friend) cant sleep over lissetts house(best friend). we cant go where we wanted to do. instead we are going to the alley. of course we have to wait for nici to get out of work and lissett to come from ohio. hopefully, now everything goes as planned.
frown confused eeek shocked smile
miao!! miao!! miao!!
love love i got to hang out with pinupsandguns love kiss

i think shes soo cute and kool. her family is hilarious. i think thats a first most of the people i know their family is really retarded. her cat hissed at me though. but it really wasnt my fault though. i hope not.
well my best friends birthday is tomorrow and we arent really gonna do anything. its...
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We had a pretty good time. I'm glad you liked my family. I guess you'll be seeing a lot of them cause they are always around. I promise that next time I'll let ya pay attention to the movie....
I'll try to make it on Saturday but I don't get out of the shop until 10 and I'm thinking I might be too tired to go to poplife and join in with all the drug enthused club kids.
Well, we're hanging out tomorrow anyway and I don't work Sunday or Monday so we can hang out till late Sunday night if your free. Anyway, give me a call tomorrow so we can make our plans solid.
damn that job. i really really want you to go. but yea sunday we can hang out. ill call you later tonight so that we can hang out.
mad frown why do people suck so much frown mad

is that a fact?
People just suck in general...it's the thing no one really does'nt suck and if they do it's hard to keep a tight grip on them.
i dont know whats wrong with me.
i dont know where i stand to anyone.
ive noticed that when i think somethings going to happen with someone it turns into shit. wow!! i just love my luck. frown ok enough of the depression in my love life. i got to hang out with my friend frank which was kool. throughout the day different things were going...
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frown frown my mom didnt let me go out today frown frown

i feel like shit. i hate being home on a fucking saturday.ughh!! this sucks big time. i dont even want to write anymore in this journal today. **im really sorry** pinupsandguns. whatever
were you grounded?
What did you do?
I'll have to have a little talk with yer mom.
if she tries to pull that shit again, I think that you should threaten her with the promise that you are going to get a pet monkey and train it to follow her around while giving her the finger, go to the bathroom in her underwear drawer, and generally harrass her.
If that doesn't work, try pouting. (Your mouth looks poutable) and slamming doors and stomping around the house and constantly sighing really deeply -- in other words, generally harrass her.
at least, that's what I'd do if I were you...
no i wasnt grounded. she was just being stupid. yea next time im gonna harass her. ill try the puppy face on her. who cn resist that.
frown frown i just found out that my best friends mom has brest cancer frown frown

today was pretty much drama.my friends were calling me about different situations they are in. i dont mind them calling and asking for help but i dont really think i give good advices. i guess they think i help.tomorrow i have plans to go "pinupsandguns" house. hopefully everything goes swell.*crosses fingers* i like...
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my aunt, my mom's twin sister, survived breast cancer. she's been doing well for years now.

good luck with everything.
thank you for the compliment, i wish you luck on that..
whatever whatever
ive been pretty blah for the last couple of days. ive been thinking a lot about things. thinking to much about things gets me really depressed. which really sucks for me.i have to really stop doing that.i havent done anything lately just stayed home and talk to my friend frank on the phone. which reallt helps to get things off my chest. but i dont...
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that happens to me some times. i try not to over analyze or think about things too much. I just focus on enjoying every minute i can and see beauty in the simple things.
oooh, oooh.
go to revolver on Friday for LilJackKnife and My deejaying thang.
well, yea im really starting to like pinupsandguns. we still havent hanged out again. but for sure for sure we are going to hang out this weekend. i havent fond a place for my best friends birthday party yet but hopefully something will come up.
Help!!! confused
smile smile love wink kiss
hm, really starting to like me huh? Well, the feeling is mutual. Give me a call when you get a chance I'd like to hear from you.
well, me and "pinupsandguns" have been making plans to hang out but things dont turn out the way we want them too which sucks for me mostly because i want to see her. and yes for all those she is the girl that i was talking about before. but anywayz, im here bored at home.i need a place to throw myfriends party the place we...
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hope you get to go out and find something funnnn to do smile
Nope, don't know of anywhere even half way interesting to hang out around here. Hialeah is pretty dead and there's no ART, not even a little.
I use to go bowling, but I did it so much that I got bored of that. I can't really think of anywhere cool around here. Hm, I need to get out of florida. I'm thinking New York sounds real nice.