My daughter, my friend, my companion is gone.
I've been distant here lately because she got very sick very quickly, and I devoted myself to taking care of her. I can't handle the idea of sleeping without her, not feeling her presence in the house. I'm devastated.
It all happened just a few days before we were supposed to move into our new home. I had bought various treats, cat sachets, and essentials for her to make her life more and more comfortable. Everything happened at a terrible time. Now I'm waiting for the apartment to be ready for me to move in, with a huge hole in my heart.
I just want her to know and feel, wherever she is, that she was and will always be loved.
Trying to find some peace spending a few days at my family's house before I move, but honestly, I am in pieces.
I'm sorry for being a bit absent here, and please, send positive energies my way. Because I'm going to need them. All of this has taken a very big and beautiful part of me. May my daughter rest in peace.