Dear @headshot , many thanks for tagging me to write some things about love and hate. Love and hate are strong feelings and it was a small journey for me to find them. I met things which made my heart warm but also episodes which chilled my bones again. So here we go with
The "things" I love:
1. The sound of the grasshopper
Going along a field road in a summer evening, the grass is hiding him, a concert just for me
2. The scent of burnt dry leaves
Standing on the walk way, the smoke playing with my nose, the colors of Autumn are flooding my mind
3. The taste of roasted sunflowers
Remembering the past, the illegal backwindow shop, my school friends, the warmth of the seeds
4. The sight of the Hof station in the night
Escaping from the dark communist Europe to better brighter future, freedom
5. The touch of her hair
Embracing my first love
The "things" I hate
1. The sound of the boyscout song
Standing in front of them, they are shaming and mocking me
2. The scent of alcohol and sweat
Deep hate, why is he doing that again and again
3. The taste of Natto
... outside of any description
4. The sight of my grandma, naked on the floor
Nobody should raise the hand against his father, am I cursed now?
5. The touch of her hands as she whispeded "Goodbye"
I will never feel them again
Now it is time to pass the journey to others. I kindly request @avecalluna @samihain @star @bob_dylan @jadestone @rare to answer the questions......