Just ended to read a book. Droga Wiodła Ugorem - The Road was a fallow one - is an autobiography of gen. Sosabowski. The most people don't know who he is so if you stumble upon this text and you are still interested you can watch a short intro or a nice scene from A Bridge Too Far. I have again to realize how good the world today is. Sosabowski fought in two world wars, was badly wounded (fighting for Austria-Hungary) in the first one and had enough vigour to fight in the second one becoming the father of polish parachute troops. Not bad for a man who was disabled and started to jump with a parachute. He was not able to return to his homeland. The British blamed him for the failed Market-Garden operation. After the wars he worked as a simple storekeeper and factory worker in London, the chaps there called him just "Stan". I listned then to his original recorded voice and noted his strange polish accent, realizing the he was born in a town which is in Ukraine today. What a crazy life!
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