I just finished "Immortality" written by R.Pawlak. So many thoughts on just one side of a text. At the moment computers assist us in many tasks. It is just a matter of time when they will start to do more complicated things..... but writing good stories? Is it possible? Beings who could not make the experience of being a child. We will see.
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Gorel and the Pot-Bellied God
Just finished reading of this novella. Started with somehow mixed f… -
The door into summer
Just read that book and loved it. You know why? The main character … -
Damnation Alley
Read "Damnation Alley" by Roger Zelazny. The book belongs to the fe… -
"Yes, Glory" by Elisabeth Bear
Staying at home, got some nice time for reading again and stumbled … -
Weathering with you
Went today to the cinema. "Weathering with you" was very beautiful.… -
Station Paradise - Cтанция Pай
Woke up today and realized that I was hungry. For a nice text agai… -
Today was a special day. Allerheiligen, the day we think about the … -
A Series of Steaks
In Germany we have got a proverb. "Du bisst, was du isst". That mea… -
Crispin's model
Just read "Crispin's Model" by Max Gladstone. If you stumble upon t… -
Favorite Photo Challenge
Hello everybody. @therustycheez nominated me for the fav photo c…