So maybe it's time to become a bit more active here. Start blogging a bit more. Fill in all the gory details about myself. And perhaps upload a picture or two.
But I wouldn't want to scary anyone away. Haha.
It's a good autumn so far. A bit costly, but mainly from a games consumption standpoint. Sheesh.
Dead Space. Fallout 3. Mirrors Edge. Little big planet. And that's just half of what's on the "interesting list"...
So maybe it's time to become a bit more active here. Start blogging a bit more. Fill in all the gory details about myself. And perhaps upload a picture or two.
But I wouldn't want to scary anyone away. Haha.
It's a good autumn so far. A bit costly, but mainly from a games consumption standpoint. Sheesh.
Dead Space. Fallout 3. Mirrors Edge. Little big planet. And that's just half of what's on the "interesting list"...
Jag nskar att jag vore tillrckligt gammal fr att ha varit med innan det blev helt mainstream.
Jag vet! Jag dmmer som fan.
Jag har inget problem med folket, per se, men jag fr alltid lite av en Deliverance-aktig knsla nr jag r i riktigt sm samhllen. Det r nog det mer som r grejen, n sjlva platsen i sig. Jag kan se framfr mig hur man glider in i en liten by ngonstans i Skne (fr att fixa bilen, eller ntt), och s brjar ngon spela Deliverance temat p banjo, och sen kommer Leatherface och jagar mig. Typ.
Plus att de tv skningar jag trffat var vl inte precis representativa fr sin region, i alla fall s hoppas jag verkligen inte det. Usch.