Late invitation to a halloween party / birthday party arrived early Saturday. Some scrambling around to find clothes, etc. Meet up with girl, get made up, dressed, and starting to get drunk. Wait for her friends to arrive with car. Drive out into the middle of nowhere, to an old 1920s school building turned housing. Traces of previous owners brain substance and hair still semi-visible
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Concert last night, at Babel in Malmö. Beastmilk opening for In Solitude. Managed to bring camera and got a few hundred shots. A small sampling of said photos. (Long hair: In Solitude. Short hair: Beastmilk. Easy enough to remember. ;) )
More photos over at flickr.
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Packing bags to head out of town for the weekend. Of course, the Ant-Zen backpack. I travel with ants.
Trying to calm nerves, brain and butterflies while on a train with crap coffee... Failing miserably, I might add.
Exploration. Quite a lovely island to visit. Lots of nice places to see.
And lots of tender hand-holding. I'm such a geek.
Also. Her cat decided I
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Or two, actually. Smoking, and depicting said smoking. creating gorgeous bokeh effects is a just a nice side effect.
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You know that thing when you're riding a train towards an uncertain destination, about to meet someone you've only spoken to online. You feel simultaneously sick to your stomach with anxiety but also with the slight tingling of butterflies. And your brain starts imagining the worst possible outcomes, your self esteem basically goes to shit. Especially since you know, because you're either texting or KIKing
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So... I woke up yesterday to an interesting message on KIK.
"What are your plans for the weekend?"
"Well, I'm probably going to be moping in the apartment, probably going to see a few bands at either this or that town festival."
"Umm... Come see me instead?"
This from a girl I've been talking to through various channels for a few months, and who recently...
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So, I just came home from seeing the Swedish hardcore outfit "Mörbultad" ("Bruised") and the more melodic trash-band "Darkane" open for .... Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals. Just had to share this crappy instagram photo of the man himself.
Such a fucking entertainer. Cynical, angry and fun as never before, he's really in the groove. The new songs mixed with a couple of older
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I'm seriously getting too old for this. Two days of concerts - and I'm completely wrecked. Well, today consisted of Front Line Assembly, with Bill Leeb in less than stellar form, and Architect with Daniel Myer being in insanely good mood and form - blew the audience away and kicked serious butt.
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