I Have a date tonight with the guys i've been crushing on that come into my work he finally asked me out only took over a month maybe 2 months lol but whatever i'm still excited and we're going to the yard house i hear that place is nice....i'm nervous! i feel like a school girl....i went on a date last night, but i dont know i dont see it going very far nice guy but i think he likes me too much and that freaks me out cause i'm not 100% sure if i am ready to date anyone i'm still hooked on DJ Awhat but i must move on with it.....but all in all today is a great day Pay day new bongs in the store to sell, new pipe for me i had custom made for me, and a date oooOOOOOHHHHhhh and its FRIDAY! i hope everyone has a great weekend!

The weekend was going well but now I'm paying for having not gone to the water park without a nose plug

Having options rocks, doesn't it? Granted, I'm slightly jealous, but I'm happy to see YOU happy.