I have new SG sets in the making right now, so hold on to your panties for just a while longer

The second set in the making was shot with the lovely and talented Lorelei! I don't think I have ever met someone that just beams with such artistic positivity. A total joy to work with, and the photos are HOT!
I met a new BF since I've moved back to AZ, and we have actually been friends for a long time but finally decided to date

Picture time? I think YES!
I also got some new fan art! Absolutly love his work - the talented jimcurt99. I effing love this!
With all things aside - life has been an awesome, epic, crazy, frustrating disaster and I wouldnt change a thing about it right now Also, I got a new job, and I'm moving into my VERY OWN PLACE and the end of this month! Yay for no roomates! lol
I got to see and hang out with Bitten while she was getting naked, which, by the way, if fucking awesome! This was a while ago, but I havent blogged in fucking FOREVER so here it is!
I've been listening to a wider range of music lately (since I finally dunped that fucking music nazion the East Coast) so here is what's been ticking my fancy lately!
Some motherfucking dubstep. I love this song, I want to have crazy wild drunken sex to it
I'm still listening to metal just about every single day - once a metal head ALWAYS a metal head!
And now I will leave you with some awesomeness. Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Even though I'm a little late lol - check out mynewest addition to the tattoo family <3
I miss you all
I'm in the same boat as you, my husband just deployed. Hard, isn't it?