I stretched my ears again today (awesomeness)
I'm at 3/4 now, don't know how much bigger I'm going to go after this...I'm giving the silicone plugs a try and see how they stretch them out for me. As of right now, it's actually pretty painful!
I was going to go with taping the plugs I already have, but it seemed to be more of a pain in the ass then helpfull...and I've been weighing them down with random things haha
I've heard it's not to good to use the silicone plugs to stretch, but we will see. If anyone has any other advise as far as the easiest way to stretch your ears without blowing them out ect., I'm open for new ideas!
Goodnight loves! I'm off to take a super-relaxing bubble bath with my rubber cat-duck!

I stretched my ears again today (awesomeness)
I'm at 3/4 now, don't know how much bigger I'm going to go after this...I'm giving the silicone plugs a try and see how they stretch them out for me. As of right now, it's actually pretty painful!
I was going to go with taping the plugs I already have, but it seemed to be more of a pain in the ass then helpfull...and I've been weighing them down with random things haha
I've heard it's not to good to use the silicone plugs to stretch, but we will see. If anyone has any other advise as far as the easiest way to stretch your ears without blowing them out ect., I'm open for new ideas!
Goodnight loves! I'm off to take a super-relaxing bubble bath with my rubber cat-duck!
