I have a craving for a burly, brooding SCOTTISH man In fact. I think I'm going to be picky picky and not date anyone until I find my scottish MAN. Manly MAN! Im sick of metros! What happened to the men that chop wood with no shirt on, with sweat dripping down their bodys, maybe a little engine grease on them from working on their... Read More
So I've pretty much been doing jack all for the last little while. I've had nothing to write about because Ive been hibernating in my house and refusing to face the streets of Calgary, expect for a few outings to shop and grab a beer somewhere So unless you guys want to hear about how I dragged out my ancient Gamecube last week and finally... Read More
Well, I just finished writing a really long blog and my comp over heated and shut off....Ive holding back the screams right now. I dont feel like writing it all again and some of the stuff was written "In the moment" style and now I'm not in the fucking moment..Maybe later today I'll rewrite it. Probably will when I dont feel the need to throw... Read More
And yep, still in Calgary. Same old, I s'pose. In an attempt at not having to deal with bullshit the day after the one day a week I was gone (Was working 4 10s, and some other dude would by running my machine for a day), I volunteered to work 50 hours a week, so that's taking up a lot of my time. Too cold for camping on the weekends (Haha I'm a fair weather camper, what can I say); I'm in no big rush to go out on my quad and get soaking wet and freezing cold. It's not cold enough for ice racing/other winter activities yet, so I'm kind of in-between activities at the moment .
And yourself?
Losing work that you have a lot of time into sucks. Learning this the hard way also sucks, lol.
Just taking some hardcore bootcamp stuff, as opposed to the pussy boot camp stuff lol. Yeah my quad is sitting in parts in my garage, it needs some stuff fixed because I fucked it up last time I went out. 50 hours a week eh, fuck that must suuuuuuuck lol! Be happy that icefishing season is near though! Thats always fun....maybe not for a fairweather like you though! So are you going to Ozzy when hes in town?
Wednesday....Status:Still sick as fuck...Sitting around curled up looking at pics of SG's! I forgot how much i loved the ladies on here when i was on my hiatus from technology lol. Let the addiction start again! I'm kind of down in the dumps today, I just feel like a fucking zombie. I dont want to get into all the wah wah wah bullshit of it... Read More
Meh a bit, I actually had to start training today so I powered through and it actually made me feel better! Thanks for asking What have you been upto? Still in Calgary?
I really dont have much to say today, im sick as hell and my new kitten is driving me crazy. On the good side of things, I found a fucking wicked Wiccan book for research! Finally one that actually delves deeper than the basics! Research paper should be GOLD! I actually want to interview a few Wiccans for it but I dont know any, however,... Read More
Alright, Day after Halloween and I dont have a hangover? WTF is that about!? I think im getting old...Spent last night watching Walking Dead and handing out candy to little kids... Speaking of which, what is up with kids these days!? They just come up to your door with their bags out waiting for you to dump the candy in!? What happened to yelling Trick... Read More