So I've pretty much been doing jack all for the last little while. I've had nothing to write about because Ive been hibernating in my house and refusing to face the streets of Calgary, expect for a few outings to shop and grab a beer somewhere
So unless you guys want to hear about how I dragged out my ancient Gamecube last week and finally finished playing Zelda on it after 5 years...then youre shit out of luck! I have however, been working on my finances and Ive narrowed it down and heres the scoop: Once I get back from thailand I will FINALLY have the fundage to permanently decorate my back! FUUUCK YEAH! cant wait to smell the ink and feel the burn, its intoxicating really! The bad news bears is that i might have to take out my dermal anchors by my eyes before I go because they might get in the way of my Scuba mask
I'll miss them but nothing and i mean nothing is stopping me from spending as much time in that damn ocean as i possibly can! I need to get my fix before I come back to the shithole of Calgary! Now dont get me wrong, I do love Calgary..I just have a hate on for it right now because I feel so stuck in it! Thats what you get when you are born and raised and end up going to school here too instead of taking the opportunity to get out while you can. BUT on a happier note
TWO WEEKS until I am soaking up the rays, drinking rum on my pirate ship in Thailand...YEAH thats right i said pirate ship! Depending on how crowded the boat is and if i can get my some privacy, I might actually try doing a set on it. Ive been holding out on doing one because I wanted to wait for my new tattoo to be done, but Im thinking i might as well go for it since when in the hell am I going to have another chance to do a set on a friggin boat on the Indian Ocean? Yeahhh probably never! We'll see how it goes! No promises but keep your fingers crossed for me! XOXO Z

have lots of fun dear enjoy all u can...
Thanks babe!