Wednesday....Status:Still sick as fuck...Sitting around curled up looking at pics of SG's! I forgot how much i loved the ladies on here when i was on my hiatus from technology lol. Let the addiction start again! I'm kind of down in the dumps today, I just feel like a fucking zombie. I dont want to get into all the wah wah wah bullshit of it because I'm not really that good at expressing myself. However, I guess I could try... It feels like I'm on the edge of something...just waiting for something big to happen...but i've been waiting way too long for it to get here. Its like the adrenaline has been pumping for a while and now theres nothing left, my body and mind have just given up and I'[m just coasting. Fuck that sounds depressing, I need a drastic change in my life... Any suggestions? maybe a man!? haha those always cheer me up! Or maybe the drastic change is that I should be looking for a woman...hmmm..I'm going to ponder this for a while. Nothing like sitting around on a wednesday with a pile of tissues around you and questioning your sexual preferances!! I'll let you know who's winning the race tomorrow haha. Till then XOXOXO CK 

Feeling better?
Meh a bit, I actually had to start training today so I powered through and it actually made me feel better! Thanks for asking
What have you been upto? Still in Calgary?