Alright, Day after Halloween and I dont have a hangover? WTF is that about!? I think im getting old...Spent last night watching Walking Dead and handing out candy to little kids... Speaking of which, what is up with kids these days!? They just come up to your door with their bags out waiting for you to dump the candy in!? What happened to yelling Trick or Treat!? Well i tried my best to nip that in the bud right away..yes its harsh but i refused them candy until they said took a while but it was worth it...I dont care if they gave me the nickname Halloween Nazi! On another note, I went as a Succubus for halloween
Shocking i know...but it was a rad costume. I'll post some pics up here later today. I fucking love everything about Halloween, i even lit my candles for a tribute to Samhain! I wish it could be Halloween everyday, Id seriously live by it. Even though most of the people in my life already say I'm too halloweenish on a day to day basis.. who cares if all my cups and glasses are halloween themes all year? Its my house, fuck off and go home if you dont like it. You can tell I'm in an awesome mood today
school starts up again today and I can already feel the cold breath of stress and nervous breakdowns on the back of my neck! Oh well, gotta chug along working on my BA for something I dont even want to fucking be anymore. I need to change my major...add it to my list of Shit I will NEVER get around to...great! Well until tomorrow!! XOXO Kids CK