So alot has gone on since i last blogged. I became a foster mom for dogs and cats that need temporary homes! If you are in the area and are looking than you can visit and see all the little animals that need homes. Including pot bellied pigs! Come on, who doesnt want a pig!? Im fostering a shephard/border collie right now who its a fucking doll! I love her! Ive been back in school and decided to try to change my major to something in biology. Psych was just getting too dull and things have changed over the past few years. If i were to stay in psych id probably want to work somewhere in addiction counselling. I figure if i have a history in it then why not try to help people that were in my shoes. Yes its true, im out to save the world one person/dog/pot bellied pig at a time
I still feel like alot is missing in my life. Im full on envy when i look at other people and it sucks because i dont know whats missing. I think i need to get out of my house more and meet new people and spice things up in my life. Ive fallen into a rut and i feel like im living my life in a beige box. So bring on the color! Any ideas guys? However, the fun news is that my bday is coming up so i will have fresh ink and that ALWAYS cheers me up!! Theres nothing like the smell of fresh ink and blood mixed together. SIGH i love it! xoxoxo Kaboom! 

I miss when I used to foster animals
awww that sucks
its so much fun!