Sometimes I don't wana love anymore,

Sometimes I get tired from playing make believe,

Sometimes I want to run away from my responsibilities

But most of all I wish I could stop believing in something that no longer exists, and ceased to exist when he betrayed me.

I thought everything was perfect, turns out.... I'm just a fool.
I've been in a similar situation, I'd say do yourself a favour and stop pretending things are better than they are.
Hope you're okay.
i take it this a man to whcih my answer is we're assholes all of us trust me i'm one too
I'm having such a shitty day today. frown

Everything is going wrong, and I feel like I'm fighting to stop it, but not actually getting anywhere. Hmpf!
Sorry I've got a a right bag on today! blush
I GOTTA RIGHT BAG ON!.Thats a new one on me but it sounds funny but explain it foe me?.Have you a carrier bag on your right side perhaps or having a rucksack on your left side makes you happy .Sorry my mindsa a blur of weirdness!
ahh northen slang well cheer up play ur bass an if all that fails kick someones ass on a comp game of some biggrin
ergh, when will i learn? Alcomahol is just evil. It seems that the older i get the less I'm aware of my limits.

Drinking sooo much wine + vodka shots + weed = me in a hedge. whatever

I'm still sitting here feeling ill, and needing to expel the alcomahol from my body!! puke

But anyway, on a happier note I am going to Alton Towers tommorrow!!...
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well hope ur vision is all better now an he's a man use sex to pursuede him to let you have a kitty works on us for just about everythin haha good luck oh an the alternative is to denie him sex but thats cruel biggrin
Woooooo!! I don't know why I'm soo happy but I am!! confused

I feel like I want to go dancing tonight, but nobody will go with me!! This always happens, I get hyper, then I get drunk, then I beg everyone and anyone to take me dancing in Leicester, nobody will, so i go home!! whatever

Oh yeah I got tickets to see *cough*pink*cough* Actually, I'm gonna...
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It could be that the group is just old and hasn't had anyone post in it for a while, it could also be that when you go into the group that it sends you to the 'stickied' topic which can be full of old posts. I'm a member of two of the groups that you are (plus sized women and weight loss) and both have a decent amount of new posts on a regular basis.

Hope to have shed some light for you smile
i will stand there with you too pink is hot an i do like some of her stuff on the boards fuck knows oh an hows the bass goin? speak to ya soon biggrin
Woooooooooo!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Guess who has the new Family Guy box set? Yep me!! I freakin LOVE Family Guy!

Anyway, I went out in Leicester on friday night, had GREAT fun, I wore my new belt buckle ( a pink LED one!) and danced sooo much, I just couldn't stop! wink

The Bass playing is going ok...I'm a bit slow! whatever

sparkly is not for me theres a pic of the finsihed product in my pics an try the choc its all to do with myan civiliastions an their use of choc an chilli speak to u soon biggrin tongue
Haha, it does rain a lot in Leicester. I've been to Mosh but never Retribution. Do you go there much?
So, yesterday, I brought a Bass!! Oooh yes, that seems pretty cool........ untill I admit that I can't play, can never hear the bass in songs, unless its stooopidly loud, and have never stuck at any thing in my life!! (i'm a slacker!) whatever

But hey ho! My boyfriend has been playing Bass for over 10yrs, so i have managed to blag free lessons from a...
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bass tastic good luck my mates a drummer singer and im so fucking jealous of his talent good luck on your quest for superstardom
sounds good stick an add out there
Muscially minded people who are willing to put in short hours an plently of binge drinkin please reply while sober. biggrin
ps did you try the choc in chilli
Bank Holidays....... mad mad
I HATE them, well does the whole county insist on driving their cars everywhere?

And WHY do people invade my town? (Well not MY town, but where I live!) Yes it is famous for it's pork pies, but really, that's it. For the record, Melton Mowbray is poop. Please do not vist on Bank Holidays, oh or Tuesdays.
That would then make for...
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ha ha hate bank holiday drivers ie caravans and them fuckers with trailers, not been able to park in the supermarket carpark because of a four day no shop shit get some food.My sympathies to ya babe
well i'm sorry to say mine was fuckin amazin an as i have done the big food festival down there twice now i do have to agree with you what doo they expert a big bunch of pork pie rides or somat? surreal biggrin
Oooooh, i'm bored, but at last I am free of the pizza evilness! Yay! biggrin

I'm thinking I really should be good and tidy my house, but I can't be arsed! Story of my life! whatever

Can I just say for the record, I LOVE the little smiley guys, they make me laugh (yes I am that tragic!) tongue

Right I AM going to tidy, and also may...
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We had our carpet properly cleaned and nuked yesterday; my entire house now smells slightly of wet dog, and we don't even have a dog eeek
smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa
ah zarcasum the lowest form of wit remember to add a bit of plain dark choc to the chilli
Ugh! I'm sick puke puke

i hate being ill, and it's all because I'm greedy and lazy! Me and my sister thought it would be great to order a pizza last night, it arrived,we ate. then this morning both of us are ill, like REALLY Ill!! This is the first time I've escaped the bathroom since 7.30 this morning, it's now 3.15!!

But on a happier note,...
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get well an i'd still sue there asses i used to be a chef an what you customers don't see would shock you at times trust me wink biggrin
haha remember real friends will never judge you x x
The past 3 days have been very sad, Mungo our little Ratty friend had to be put to sleep frown Now mungo wasn't your average ratty, he had lots of love to give and i swear was only here to convert people to give Ratties a chance.( I myself was a ratty hater until mungo)

I like to believe that mungo made it over the rainbow,...
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I came across your piccy of mungo under the recent pics section so i thought i would browse you journal.I have had a rough weekend but i now sit here thinkin it ain,t all that bad cryin my fuckin eyes out for pet i have never met!.I had a rat for 4 years he was called Jasper after jasper carRAT GEDDIT.He was the pet i miss the most so friendly,comical and loveble and he stunk! i miss him with all my heart and the memories have come flooding back shucks im gutted for you both RIP MUNGO!
I will send u my friend request!
ahhh well if he had a good life he can be naughty in the after frown smile