Damn my insomnia!
Inspired by the all to kind SG community I will be release all 4 of my Self defense lessons, coming to a forum near you soon. I say soon because it is still far too early to blow everyones mind with the "Das Lazar cow" entry.
Perhaps boring myself to sleep is the answer I so blindly seek! I think I will play some WoW, it's sad to think I paid for a video game that I don't play. I think I just terrorize the WoW forums more than I actually play the game.
My first friend!
Most delightful!
I ask you, masses of the internet how long until my random sense of humor burns out and my brain implodes? Only time will tell.
HAH HAH I'm going to hell.
Inspired by the all to kind SG community I will be release all 4 of my Self defense lessons, coming to a forum near you soon. I say soon because it is still far too early to blow everyones mind with the "Das Lazar cow" entry.
Perhaps boring myself to sleep is the answer I so blindly seek! I think I will play some WoW, it's sad to think I paid for a video game that I don't play. I think I just terrorize the WoW forums more than I actually play the game.
My first friend!
Most delightful!
I ask you, masses of the internet how long until my random sense of humor burns out and my brain implodes? Only time will tell.

HAH HAH I'm going to hell.