I haven't been sleeping well at all lately. It's difficult for me to get to sleep and if I do, I wake up every few hours. Bad dreams, discomfort etc. Something will wake me.
I'm getting to the point where i'm scared to sleep because of the shit my brain runs through when I do.
I need a hug
I'm getting to the point where i'm scared to sleep because of the shit my brain runs through when I do.
I need a hug

and there's medication for your insomnia. Or it could be restless leg syndrome, that woke me up a lot for awhile. Go get something to help you sleep for now, like melatonin or any of these vitamins! If that doesn't work, get some friggin mary j or the hard rx stuff will knock you out lol. Drinking makes you wake up sporadically because of the spike in your blood sugar levels during the night/morning, and I'd avoid staring at the Chat or any computer monitors when you ARE woken up - read a book or magazine instead because the computer screen will keep you awake longer.
Don't you have fucking free healthcare in Canada?? Go use it!! Cripes. If only I had that shit... haha.