As many of you saw, there is a new girl in my life and she is really fucking awesome.
This entry however is not focused on her. I've gone through all my old blog entries dealing with Alyssa and I don't understand exactly why I fell for the same trick over and over again. Well, tonight I made some serious personal progress with the situation. You'll remember that the guy she ditched me for is a complete douche and made her delete her facebook page and cut contacts with people, making it difficult for me previously to get in touch with her. Instead I sent a message to her friend, Laura, asking her to pass a message on to her.
I did the same thing tonight. This one however, was to finalize everything.
The fact that i've decided to completely cut the threads with Alyssa is a huge step for me, and while there is a small sentimental part of me that questions my actions I know i've done the right thing. I'm letting go.
I'm looking forward to my future and everyone involved in it. Alyssa will always be an important part of my past, and is responsible in part for a good portion of who I am today. That's what she is now, just a part of my past.
In my immediate future I get to see the new girl, Steffanie, this weekend. I can't wait for it. And if things go well, you might start gettin tons of mushy blogs about her.
So far, she's refreshing. I love talking to her, and spending time with her, she's not out getting fucked up wasted drunk all the time, doesn't act like some low class tramp. She's mature and grown up at all the right times, but can still have fun and goof off like a six year old in the same way that I do. I'm not afraid to have her around my family because I know she's not going to say something regrettable. I look forward to potentially introducing her to my friends.
She's just what I need.
Also for anyone who pays attention to it: my birthday is on the 6th