Alright, so fucking dorkshit update time.
1) I just went to a job fair and had a brief interview for a position in the new Indigo location opening in town. It's *right* beside by currently shit job, so I don't have to do fuck all for travel changes, AND i'll finally be out of Canadian Tire. This pleases me.
2) Ghostbusters game: fucking geekboner central. The story and script were written by Harold Ramis and Dan Akroyd and it shows. It feels like the Ghostbusters movies. Cherry on top is the fact that they got all the core actors back in to do the voice work for the respective characters. I've been waiting on this for over 2 years and i'm far from disappointed with the game.
3) Went on a slight papercraft binge and along with some generic internet memes (Pedobear and Longcat) I ended up taking 3 days to build Cthulhu which inadvertently resparked my passion for H.P. Lovecraft and the entire Cthulhu mythos.
4) Gala is coming up and i'm getting stoked for it.
5) My 3rd annual trip to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo is coming up in September and i'm already getting super antsy to go.
6) Halloween costume plans got put on a backburner for a bit once i'd recieved the gas mask due to some unexpectedly retarded costs on one part that i'd need (specific nerf gun). Previously, the cheapest cost on the gun that i'd found was around $70-80 PLUS shipping which was almost another $60. I'm not going to spend $120+ on it, so I held out and i'm glad I did. I just found one that would come to about $80 or so WITH shipping.
Now all I need is a black tactical (tacticLOL) vest, some kind of dark (black or blue) military uniform style shirt to go under the vest, black gloves and potentially some combat boots.
I like halloween.

1) I just went to a job fair and had a brief interview for a position in the new Indigo location opening in town. It's *right* beside by currently shit job, so I don't have to do fuck all for travel changes, AND i'll finally be out of Canadian Tire. This pleases me.
2) Ghostbusters game: fucking geekboner central. The story and script were written by Harold Ramis and Dan Akroyd and it shows. It feels like the Ghostbusters movies. Cherry on top is the fact that they got all the core actors back in to do the voice work for the respective characters. I've been waiting on this for over 2 years and i'm far from disappointed with the game.
3) Went on a slight papercraft binge and along with some generic internet memes (Pedobear and Longcat) I ended up taking 3 days to build Cthulhu which inadvertently resparked my passion for H.P. Lovecraft and the entire Cthulhu mythos.
4) Gala is coming up and i'm getting stoked for it.
5) My 3rd annual trip to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo is coming up in September and i'm already getting super antsy to go.
6) Halloween costume plans got put on a backburner for a bit once i'd recieved the gas mask due to some unexpectedly retarded costs on one part that i'd need (specific nerf gun). Previously, the cheapest cost on the gun that i'd found was around $70-80 PLUS shipping which was almost another $60. I'm not going to spend $120+ on it, so I held out and i'm glad I did. I just found one that would come to about $80 or so WITH shipping.

Now all I need is a black tactical (tacticLOL) vest, some kind of dark (black or blue) military uniform style shirt to go under the vest, black gloves and potentially some combat boots.
I like halloween.

I wanna see the Ghostbusters game. I wish I'd had a full paycheck this week because I was gonna buy it for Scott. But alas, I am poor..