Alllllrightyso despite the lack of feedback on my halloween costume entry, i've decided to stay the course and stick with Ash from Evil Dead 2.
So far to my benefit I have a remote controlled hand, which works out well as i've been able to hide the remote inside the chainsaw.
The saw so far, still needs paint and some details.
Yes, that is a plastic beer cup that i've cut into the cuff.
Here's the fit, the remote for the hand is inside and stuck right to the side, so I can use that as an internal handle.
okay, so it's not perfect, and i'm working on a budget, but hey, it's not too bad. I'd like the blade to be longer but I already had to deal with eliminating the wobble from this one.
Hail to the king, baby
My hand!
You bastards stole my hand!!!
I also managed to get the harness/holster worked out and it's still under construction, so no pics yet, but i've mutilated a pair of suspenders in order for it to work. It's not brown like it should be, but it'l have to do.
So far to my benefit I have a remote controlled hand, which works out well as i've been able to hide the remote inside the chainsaw.

The saw so far, still needs paint and some details.

Yes, that is a plastic beer cup that i've cut into the cuff.

Here's the fit, the remote for the hand is inside and stuck right to the side, so I can use that as an internal handle.

okay, so it's not perfect, and i'm working on a budget, but hey, it's not too bad. I'd like the blade to be longer but I already had to deal with eliminating the wobble from this one.

Hail to the king, baby

My hand!

You bastards stole my hand!!!
I also managed to get the harness/holster worked out and it's still under construction, so no pics yet, but i've mutilated a pair of suspenders in order for it to work. It's not brown like it should be, but it'l have to do.