What's wrong with that?
Am I the only one still confused with the new site? No? Okay, good.
I hope everyone has been enjoying their favorite Autumn month. I know I'm particularly excited as the babely @Inland will be joining me tomorrow as we prepare for the Hopefuls Bay Area Shoot Fest!
We will be joined by tons of #megababes, inlcluding @gitzie, @nubia, @myzaree, @astr0, and @barbary just to name a few! October never looked so good. :D
You should probably head on over to Instagram and give @inland and mine's page a follow so you can be the first to see all the behind the scenes shots over at @SGWestCoast!
You should probably follow mine and Inland's personal pages too, just to be safe. ;)
Other than that, I'm at a loss for words! I can tell you that I had a wonderful time at an impromptu Disneyland trip, moved to an adorable little house with awesome roommates, aaandd I colored my hair blue! Here's some #picturesoritdidnthappen ;)
That's all for now loves.
See you soon!
xox Gadgette