Another month, gone and by.

Speaking of awesome things making my day, I also got to interview with Xander756 for Real Gamer Newz' Suicide Girl Gamer of the Week!

It's really exciting to see the evolution of women in the gaming industry, and I'm glad I could give my two cents.

Other exciting news: only a little more than a month until the Bay Area Shoot Fest!!

The babely Inland will be joining me for a few days, so expect a heavenly gold field of pictures next month.

Be sure to be on the lookout for her set debut this month, as well as Wulfilia's and Callipyge's!
I can't wait to meet all the girlies for the Hopeful Shoot Fest. It's going to be sucha blast, I can't wait

I'd also be changing the color. Any suggestions? Please send them my way! I love your input, and I need all the help I can get!

One thing that I am positive on is that I'll be adding some dready extensions, courtesy of Wulfilia, you should really give her a shout if you're interested as well!
I think the last time I had dreads was in 2010, back before my best friend passed.

I actually haven't broughten myself to go since the first year, so this should be pretty intense.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of interesting stories and pictures after the weekend is over. Expect updates, and take a peek at my instagram for more regular photos.
On other news, I started sponsoring for Dank Streetwear! You can now use the discount code 'GADGETTE' for an extra 10% off! I grabbed these awesome cheetah aviators, check the spoilers for some more examples of their dope threads
Oh! I also went in for the second sesh of my Pocahontas tattoo. It's essentially done now, might go in for a touch up in a few months but otherwise it's perfect.
(Note it won't be as pink once fully healed, this was taken the day after!)
Alright, that's all for now....I'll leave you with a few pictures and then I must pack for the trip this weekend. I hope everyone is having a lovely September, and remember you can email if you're interested in an art or craft swap, or if you purchased an item from my wishlist so I can send you some goodies as well!
Stay curious, friends!
xox Gadgette