I hope everyone has been fully enjoying their summer. I wish I could say I've done all these crazy things, but my adventures have been rather small.
This year has been all about shedding dead weight & self discovery, and this summer has been nothing partial to that. I've struggled with anxiety for many years, and this has finally been the year that I've come to turns with it. Along with meeting my dad for the first time, I also got in contact with my mom for the first time in twenty years. Suffice to say, I don't need the flashing lights of a ferris wheel to call my recollections eventful. It's recently gotten particularly worse (hence my absence in activity on SG and the modeling world in general ) and I've started taking medication and seeing a psychiatrist, both swings I swore I'd never do. I think a big part of this has been realizing that it's okay to need help, and doesn't make you crazy to ask for it. If anyone has any tips or suggestions, I would wholeheartedly appreciate it!
Anyyywayyy, while I haven't done much, I've still manged to frolic in the sunshine a bit, and have recently discovered that my chiweenies love the playground Here's some pictures for proof!
I've also been super blessed to have sucha supportive circle of friends, most recently being some fellow hopefuls!
Chuco_, Scarlettxx, Callipyge, Inland, Wulfilia and _Rabbs_ have all been a blast to get to know and I'm glad we have our wolf pack!
We've started swapping mail, an idea inspired by The Pen Pals Group that then spawned my etsy shop!
Email me at gogadgettego@gmail.com if you're interested in an art or craft trade!
I've also started sponsoring, so email me if you're interested in that too!
And, as always, you can look me up on instagram for more regular updates.
Or you can try tumbly
I'll leave you with this bite of wisdom...
Until next time, soul searchers...
Don't be a stranger!
xo Gadgette