EVERYTHING is quite messy right now with my heart, I don't know about anything anymore. Sometimes it feels like I don't give a shit about anything, just my sef-improvement and my projects. Isn't that bad? I just want a normal life, a place I can call home, but right I don't know where the fuck is that. And I just want to have love in my life, even just to be a normal wife with no serious worries. I don't want fame nor to be rich. Fuck that. I want to be happy, without the pretencious bullshit. It sounds lame, but i kind of want to BREAK FREE ha.
Anyway, I'm not longer sick! yay for that. And uni is going incredibly fine ATM so go me.
I've been spending lots of time with my friend Su, she's got a new kitty (I kinda hate cats though, ALLERGIES! but they're cute I guess)
just me
My dog <3,
Love to all of you people, hope you're doing more brilliant than I do,
V xx
maybe your heart is so messy because there are so many things around you that shake up your feelings. Try to spend some quiet time consistently with yourself and see what happens
ola shikilla me agrada su tatuaje de pistolsss en el pecho..saludos!