i'm going to san diego for new years. i'm going to visit the girl i met on tour, the one i fell for. i swear to god, it's true what people say about california. everyone falls in love there.
there i was a very upset and drepressed kid from new jersey (see previous post for reason of depression). i set up my tent. the gates opened, and something came over me in LA. i don't know if it was the lack of oxygen due to smog or just the fact that i watched an amazing sunset the night before on the beaches of santa monica. but i talked to this girl, and usually i'm really shy. we hung out all day, sold shirts together, i got her free food, you know, i was just being a nice guy. and of all things, she just happens to be the person who i can actually have a fulfilling conversation with and not just think "yo! i wanna bang this chick out"
so here it is. we talk everyday. phone for up to 4 hours sometimes, emails back and forth daily, IM, whatever we can do to keep in touch. all of this has been worth it to me. i know this is probably the worst thing for us, because well we live 3000 miles apart. but there's love in the air and it's got it's death grip on me. i couldn't ask for anything else.
other news:
today. i got my official email account at work. to me that means that i'll be getting hired full time. god damn life is good.
my depression is going away because i'm always working so i don't have time to even get sad,
a. speaking of depression, i believe i found out what's been causing it, aside from not seeing my san diego friend, before i met her, i was always having random sex with any person i could get my dick into, and i think it finally caught up to me and i felt like shit, so now i haven't had sex in about a month, and i really dont' miss the sex without emotion. this is a big step for me.
next comes the quiting of smoking.
weee to be in love again
i'm going to san diego for new years. i'm going to visit the girl i met on tour, the one i fell for. i swear to god, it's true what people say about california. everyone falls in love there.
there i was a very upset and drepressed kid from new jersey (see previous post for reason of depression). i set up my tent. the gates opened, and something came over me in LA. i don't know if it was the lack of oxygen due to smog or just the fact that i watched an amazing sunset the night before on the beaches of santa monica. but i talked to this girl, and usually i'm really shy. we hung out all day, sold shirts together, i got her free food, you know, i was just being a nice guy. and of all things, she just happens to be the person who i can actually have a fulfilling conversation with and not just think "yo! i wanna bang this chick out"
so here it is. we talk everyday. phone for up to 4 hours sometimes, emails back and forth daily, IM, whatever we can do to keep in touch. all of this has been worth it to me. i know this is probably the worst thing for us, because well we live 3000 miles apart. but there's love in the air and it's got it's death grip on me. i couldn't ask for anything else.
other news:
today. i got my official email account at work. to me that means that i'll be getting hired full time. god damn life is good.
my depression is going away because i'm always working so i don't have time to even get sad,
a. speaking of depression, i believe i found out what's been causing it, aside from not seeing my san diego friend, before i met her, i was always having random sex with any person i could get my dick into, and i think it finally caught up to me and i felt like shit, so now i haven't had sex in about a month, and i really dont' miss the sex without emotion. this is a big step for me.
next comes the quiting of smoking.
weee to be in love again