O computer! Vile temptress! Seduce me not with your games and your easy access e-mail! For today I must get out into the world, for me, for my wife.... for the future!
Things have happened, have gotten so much better between me and Claudia. We're talking realistically about getting an apartment together in Atlanta, where she is moving in July and where I intend to move as soon as I can. And though it may not hold up in a court of law, we said our vows last night, in the wee hours of 5-5-05, with... Read More
So wow. Yesterday was eventful. First of all, I had to fast for twelve hours prior to getting blood drawn for a physical I have tomorrow. I got the blood drawn, picked up some meds, and then headed down to Rockville to meet up with DC101's Spank, who gave me some advice about getting started in voice acting and a quick tour of the station.... Read More
Well. I just moved the last of my shit out of my grandparents' house, pending their move. Today I opened up one of the boxes and found an old sketchpad and sketchbook, and looked through 'em. The book was still largely blank, so I picked up a pencil and started drawing for the first time in WAY too long. It feels so good to return... Read More
Almost did something very stupid and out of character for me tonight. Saw Sin City with some friends instead. Excellent-- one of the few films that I MUST see more than once on the big screen.
Well, I've got a half-dozen leads on voice-over jobs, but I find that I have to plunk down a hundred ninety five dollars into a year membership to the website in order to follow up on open-call leads. I'm going to put some careful consideration into this.