So I could write a bunch of crappy poems that make no sense and are full of teen angst about how I am but a shadow of my former self,Or how every song I hear on the radio is sooo all about me. Or I could just plot it down here, in black and white to sort it out in my head and letting you all in on the news so afterwards we can all breathe a sigh of relief and have a sexy party. Right?
Ok. So here it is.
This girl I really dislike used to date one of Ben's friends. They Broke up but her and Ben remained friends. She didn't like me and I didn't like her either. But her and Ben would talk alot on msn and she would always say unsavory things about me and try to twist him. So anyway, fast forward to end of august. me and Ben have had a really good camping holiday. We're getting on better than we have in ages. Suddenly, like a week later he decides he doesn't want to see me anymore and so dumps me over the internet (!). And in the backround there is still this girl. I email her just to ask her what up because it is totally unlike Ben. And she gives me all this 'I only helped him to come to a decision' crap. Fast forward to today, I've been suspicious for a while something was going on, And today he finally told me they were together. Didn't take her long to get her claws in I see. I knew from the start that was all she wanted. To get one over me and to take him away from me. Now don't get me wrong I'm not painting him as an innocent party in this at all, he's old enough to learn to know his own mind.
It just makes me so angry that he denied there would be anything between him and her and she was not the reason for leaving me. Reasons he gave me: Distance (he didn't want to move in with me) she lives in like the next town over from me and i hear they're going to move in together. And Not enough time with college work...and how are you going to solve that?
This leads me to believe that it was all a lie. It just really winds me up that out of all the girls in the whole damn world he had to chose my mortal enemy. The one girl i had REAL issues with. the one girl he said he'd never leave me for.
what a joke.
Ok. So here it is.
This girl I really dislike used to date one of Ben's friends. They Broke up but her and Ben remained friends. She didn't like me and I didn't like her either. But her and Ben would talk alot on msn and she would always say unsavory things about me and try to twist him. So anyway, fast forward to end of august. me and Ben have had a really good camping holiday. We're getting on better than we have in ages. Suddenly, like a week later he decides he doesn't want to see me anymore and so dumps me over the internet (!). And in the backround there is still this girl. I email her just to ask her what up because it is totally unlike Ben. And she gives me all this 'I only helped him to come to a decision' crap. Fast forward to today, I've been suspicious for a while something was going on, And today he finally told me they were together. Didn't take her long to get her claws in I see. I knew from the start that was all she wanted. To get one over me and to take him away from me. Now don't get me wrong I'm not painting him as an innocent party in this at all, he's old enough to learn to know his own mind.
It just makes me so angry that he denied there would be anything between him and her and she was not the reason for leaving me. Reasons he gave me: Distance (he didn't want to move in with me) she lives in like the next town over from me and i hear they're going to move in together. And Not enough time with college work...and how are you going to solve that?
This leads me to believe that it was all a lie. It just really winds me up that out of all the girls in the whole damn world he had to chose my mortal enemy. The one girl i had REAL issues with. the one girl he said he'd never leave me for.
what a joke.

I'm still freaking out.