Isn't it funny when you REALLY dislike someone and I mean REALLY here, all you can do is obsess over them and how much you don't like them. You spend most of your time thinking about them and how you'd like to kick them in the face and let them know you really don't like them. If you're watching tv and someone looks remotely like them or shares the same name you start to despise them too. And you can't understand why everybody else finds them so wonderful and they can't see the horridness that lurks beneath.
It's really annoying.
And also because you can't stop thinking about them you start to make up scenarios in your head and so many happen that you start to question if they really did happen or if you made it up. It all gets warped.
It's really annoying.
And also because you can't stop thinking about them you start to make up scenarios in your head and so many happen that you start to question if they really did happen or if you made it up. It all gets warped.
And it always gets me into trouble!
btw CHEERS MATEY : D I was just thinking today how much I missed having a membership. Yayayay and Thank you