Saturday Dec 31, 2005 Dec 30, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Psst, Guess what guys? I can drive!!! Passed my test yesterday Finally!! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS mr_rick: it's new years eve already, the year has gone so quickly and so many things have happened, some good and some bad. hope you have a great new years eve!! stay safe and be careful. i look forward to talking with you next year! {{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}} rick congrats on passing your drivers test....even more reason to party tonight. be careful out there!!! Dec 31, 2005 djsik: Woo hoo! well done! Get ready for the petrol bills though Dec 31, 2005
hope you have a great new years eve!! stay safe and be careful. i look forward to talking with you next year!
{{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}
congrats on passing your drivers test....even more reason to party tonight. be careful out there!!!
Get ready for the petrol bills though