oh, neato.
- Available: nope
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: right this second? chest pains
- Animals: men
- Beer: woodchuck amber
- Birthday: March 14 1987
- Best Friend: her name is Annie. our bond is thicker than blood.
- Body Part on opposite sex: hands
- Best feeling in the world: joy
- Best weather: autumn
- Been in Love: yes:-)
-Been on stage? quite a few times
- Believe in Magic: haha, i'm honestly not sure..
- Believe in God: yes
- Believe in Santa: did til' I was 9. My parents went all out every year, even left me a sleigh bell by our fireplace with soot on it when I was 7. The I asked my dad if he was real before a softball game and he was like " you mean you still believe in him?! har har har". broke my heart. *sniff* haha
- Candy: old fashioned ribbon candy and hershey's symphony bars
- Color: all of them
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican
- Cake or pie: i think both are tasty but I've never been crazy about either
- Continent/Country to visit: Japan, Ireland, Spain, England, India, Singapore, Australia.. the list goes on
- Cheese: muenster, and provolone
- Day or Night: both
- Dance in the rain? haha, fond memories. :-)
- Eggs: ehhhh
- Eyes: blue and green
- Everyone's got a (n): an opinion
- Ever failed a class? yes. I was put on the automatic shit list in political science for too many absences.
- Full name:my friends know, and that's good enough for me.
- Food: pita bread
- Greatest Fear: something bad happening to any of my loved ones
- Goals: raise my family, finish school, hit rockstar status before I die. ahah..
- Gum: spearmint
- Get along with your parents? when they don't fuck me in the ass, yes.
- Good luck charm: I don't have one
- Hair Color: right now it's actually light blonde
- Height: 5'1... and a half
- Happy: yes, actually
- Holiday: Halloween, St. Patrick's day, Christmas
- How do you want to die: fullfilled
- Ice Cream: watermelon and mint chocolate chip
- Instrument: piano and guitar. I think timpani (sp?) drums are pretty cool too but I 've never learned how to play them.
- Jewelry: I really don't like jewelry, I never have. The only stuff I wear is in my skin and on my wedding finger.
- Job: right now? data processing from home. and well, being a mom if that counts.
- Kids: I have a boy and a girl. I love being a mom and Nate wants more in a year or two, but my health is shit, so I don't know if that will happen. That and being pregnant sucks ass...
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate
- Keep a journal? I blog regularly on my myspace to let my family and friends know what's up
- Longest Car Ride: 18 hours to florida
- Love:is something I have a lot of.
- Letter: A is for anus
- Laughed so hard you cried: I find this is a regular habit when 'm around my friends
- Milk flavor: chocolate silk (yes silk, not milk) is to die for.
- Movies: horror, comedy, hentai
- Motion sickness? ugh, like the dickens
- McDonalds's or Burger King: neither. fast food grosses me the fuck out.
- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercing: well, currently have 18 holes including guaged ears, but the only one I've constistantly worn is the stud in my nose
- Number: never had a favorite
- One wish: no more war :-(
- Perfect Pizza: sausage mushrooms and onions
- Quail: are neato birds?
- Reason to cry: heart ache
- Radio Station: oldies and classic rock
- Roll your tongue in a circle? kind of. I really don't have much of a tongue though
- Ring size: 4.5
- Song: Tiny Dancer. My husband surprised me by getting a phrase from it with ballet slippers tattooed over his heart about a year ago. A couple other of my all time fave songs are Hallelujah, Israel Kimakiwiwo's Over the Rainbow medley, and Oh Danny Boy. There are a plethora of others that qualify as fave's, but I'll stick to those for now.
- Shoe size: my feet are weird. I wear a 5 and a half in tennishoes but most of my heels are 6.5 to 7
- Salad Dressing: i actually don't like dressing on my salad
- Sushi: omg, volcano rolls are my fucking favorite. rekjgtnrkjgntkjng
- Slept outside: quite a few times. Used to go camping a lot back in the day.
- Skinny dipped: not for awhile
- Shower daily? nope
- Sing well? quite well, actually.
- In the shower? not on a regular basis, but once in a big while
- Swear? far too much
- Strawberries/Blueberries: both! though I hate artificial strawberry and blueberry flavored anything
- Time for bed: sometimes not at all
- Thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms :-)
- Unpredictable: most who've come to know me generally expect the unexpected.
- Vacation spot: I lo0o0o0oved San Antonio. The riverwalk was beautiful.
- Weakness: my kids
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: haha, I'm truly an individual, though Annie and I are pretty damn weird together.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Nate, Annie, , Gregg, Jason
- Worst feeling: the pit you get in your stomach when you fear for someone you care about/ hear about something bad that happened
- Wanted to be a model? mmhmm
- Where do we go when we die? I don't know
- Worst Weather? I don't know. I like all of it. I guess when it snows so hard you can't see the road.
- X-rays: oh, I've had far too many to have kept track
- Ex's: mine aren't so bad. I've got 3
- Year it is now: 2008
- Yellow: bellied varmint!
- Zoo animal: Okapi. my favorite!
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Isabella
2. You went to the mall with? my mom inlaw
3. You went to dinner with? my mom
4. You talked to on the phone? Gregg
5. Made you laugh? Isabella
6. Hugged you? Isaac
7. Said they loved you? Isaac
8. Held your hand? Annie
9. Spoke with? Isaac.
10. You cried over? my husband being gone
11. Last person you texted? Noah
- Available: nope
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: right this second? chest pains
- Animals: men
- Beer: woodchuck amber
- Birthday: March 14 1987
- Best Friend: her name is Annie. our bond is thicker than blood.
- Body Part on opposite sex: hands
- Best feeling in the world: joy
- Best weather: autumn
- Been in Love: yes:-)
-Been on stage? quite a few times
- Believe in Magic: haha, i'm honestly not sure..
- Believe in God: yes
- Believe in Santa: did til' I was 9. My parents went all out every year, even left me a sleigh bell by our fireplace with soot on it when I was 7. The I asked my dad if he was real before a softball game and he was like " you mean you still believe in him?! har har har". broke my heart. *sniff* haha
- Candy: old fashioned ribbon candy and hershey's symphony bars
- Color: all of them
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican
- Cake or pie: i think both are tasty but I've never been crazy about either
- Continent/Country to visit: Japan, Ireland, Spain, England, India, Singapore, Australia.. the list goes on
- Cheese: muenster, and provolone
- Day or Night: both
- Dance in the rain? haha, fond memories. :-)
- Eggs: ehhhh
- Eyes: blue and green
- Everyone's got a (n): an opinion
- Ever failed a class? yes. I was put on the automatic shit list in political science for too many absences.
- Full name:my friends know, and that's good enough for me.
- Food: pita bread
- Greatest Fear: something bad happening to any of my loved ones
- Goals: raise my family, finish school, hit rockstar status before I die. ahah..
- Gum: spearmint
- Get along with your parents? when they don't fuck me in the ass, yes.
- Good luck charm: I don't have one
- Hair Color: right now it's actually light blonde
- Height: 5'1... and a half
- Happy: yes, actually
- Holiday: Halloween, St. Patrick's day, Christmas
- How do you want to die: fullfilled
- Ice Cream: watermelon and mint chocolate chip
- Instrument: piano and guitar. I think timpani (sp?) drums are pretty cool too but I 've never learned how to play them.
- Jewelry: I really don't like jewelry, I never have. The only stuff I wear is in my skin and on my wedding finger.
- Job: right now? data processing from home. and well, being a mom if that counts.
- Kids: I have a boy and a girl. I love being a mom and Nate wants more in a year or two, but my health is shit, so I don't know if that will happen. That and being pregnant sucks ass...
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate
- Keep a journal? I blog regularly on my myspace to let my family and friends know what's up
- Longest Car Ride: 18 hours to florida
- Love:is something I have a lot of.
- Letter: A is for anus
- Laughed so hard you cried: I find this is a regular habit when 'm around my friends
- Milk flavor: chocolate silk (yes silk, not milk) is to die for.
- Movies: horror, comedy, hentai
- Motion sickness? ugh, like the dickens
- McDonalds's or Burger King: neither. fast food grosses me the fuck out.
- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercing: well, currently have 18 holes including guaged ears, but the only one I've constistantly worn is the stud in my nose
- Number: never had a favorite
- One wish: no more war :-(
- Perfect Pizza: sausage mushrooms and onions
- Quail: are neato birds?
- Reason to cry: heart ache
- Radio Station: oldies and classic rock
- Roll your tongue in a circle? kind of. I really don't have much of a tongue though
- Ring size: 4.5
- Song: Tiny Dancer. My husband surprised me by getting a phrase from it with ballet slippers tattooed over his heart about a year ago. A couple other of my all time fave songs are Hallelujah, Israel Kimakiwiwo's Over the Rainbow medley, and Oh Danny Boy. There are a plethora of others that qualify as fave's, but I'll stick to those for now.
- Shoe size: my feet are weird. I wear a 5 and a half in tennishoes but most of my heels are 6.5 to 7
- Salad Dressing: i actually don't like dressing on my salad
- Sushi: omg, volcano rolls are my fucking favorite. rekjgtnrkjgntkjng
- Slept outside: quite a few times. Used to go camping a lot back in the day.
- Skinny dipped: not for awhile
- Shower daily? nope
- Sing well? quite well, actually.
- In the shower? not on a regular basis, but once in a big while
- Swear? far too much
- Strawberries/Blueberries: both! though I hate artificial strawberry and blueberry flavored anything
- Time for bed: sometimes not at all
- Thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms :-)
- Unpredictable: most who've come to know me generally expect the unexpected.
- Vacation spot: I lo0o0o0oved San Antonio. The riverwalk was beautiful.
- Weakness: my kids
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: haha, I'm truly an individual, though Annie and I are pretty damn weird together.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Nate, Annie, , Gregg, Jason
- Worst feeling: the pit you get in your stomach when you fear for someone you care about/ hear about something bad that happened
- Wanted to be a model? mmhmm
- Where do we go when we die? I don't know
- Worst Weather? I don't know. I like all of it. I guess when it snows so hard you can't see the road.
- X-rays: oh, I've had far too many to have kept track
- Ex's: mine aren't so bad. I've got 3
- Year it is now: 2008
- Yellow: bellied varmint!
- Zoo animal: Okapi. my favorite!
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Isabella
2. You went to the mall with? my mom inlaw
3. You went to dinner with? my mom
4. You talked to on the phone? Gregg
5. Made you laugh? Isabella
6. Hugged you? Isaac
7. Said they loved you? Isaac
8. Held your hand? Annie
9. Spoke with? Isaac.
10. You cried over? my husband being gone
11. Last person you texted? Noah
wow that is a legitamate survey.. It says alot about.. very cool..lol
I loved slam books in junior high. They were the coolest! Haha. You have good taste!