It's -30C here.......went for a walk earlier the forrest. The trees block the wind, and the snow was waist deep because it couldn't blow away. I decided I was crazy and went back to the house.
Aunts and Uncles and Cousins all came over to visit.......had a family poker tournament. I never play, but it was something to do.....I kicked ass!......then lost the last hand to my 11 year old cousin.
Talked to my dad........conversation went like this-
Dad- I got this watch for christmas.
Really, who gave it to you?
Dad- some lesbians I know.
Why did they give you a watch?
Dad- It was a mis-understanding. They asked me what I wanted for christmas, and I told them I wanna watch!
I have no idea if he's joking or serious.....with him it's 50/50 either way.

Aunts and Uncles and Cousins all came over to visit.......had a family poker tournament. I never play, but it was something to do.....I kicked ass!......then lost the last hand to my 11 year old cousin.

Talked to my dad........conversation went like this-
Dad- I got this watch for christmas.
Really, who gave it to you?
Dad- some lesbians I know.
Why did they give you a watch?
Dad- It was a mis-understanding. They asked me what I wanted for christmas, and I told them I wanna watch!
I have no idea if he's joking or serious.....with him it's 50/50 either way.

happy new year, t
not sure why i bounce between accounts. but i think its funny when this ^^ happens