I slept for 6 straight hours today......it was awsome
It is terrible that is significant, but I feel great. The sun is shining, the sky is clear and blue, and the air is bitterly cold. I should go out later and shovel some more snow, but for now I think I'll just stay inside and absorb some more heat.
Anyone doing anything fun for the weekend?
I have no plans at the moment, and unless it's somthing extravegant I'm usually more for spontenaety then planned stuff. Plans both seem to propel me forward, and hold me back.
and I just thought of somthing I need to go ask someone........

It is terrible that is significant, but I feel great. The sun is shining, the sky is clear and blue, and the air is bitterly cold. I should go out later and shovel some more snow, but for now I think I'll just stay inside and absorb some more heat.
Anyone doing anything fun for the weekend?
I have no plans at the moment, and unless it's somthing extravegant I'm usually more for spontenaety then planned stuff. Plans both seem to propel me forward, and hold me back.
and I just thought of somthing I need to go ask someone........

But if you are really interested: Celta knows a lot about games and has a couple of different consoles.
I got my xbox because there are a few games I really love and have to play. But I am more a periodic player There are times where I dont touch it for 2 month and just watch dvds with it.
Great to hear you are having snow. I am still waiting for some.