I should be sleeping, but my sleep patterns are all wrong again. Thanks to the need to quest after the all-mighty dollar, I just sinewed 2 bows. They will not be ready untill weekend after this one. I wanted to put one on ebay each sunday, but will not have one done this sunday. The last 2 sold within hours, for $250 each.
I have a case listed for $300, and 8 people are watching it. Perhaps that will sell.....
I watched alien 3 last night......I had to buy the whole set to get the one movie I couldn't find. My brother probably has it.......So now they have all been watched again. I have a ton of dvds, but am sick of them.
Each winter I end up going through them all though.
Speaking of winter, It snowwed this morning. Not allot, but it got pretty cold too.
And I've been doing pretty good at not shopping lately, but should do just a little christmas shopping......I have only gotten gifts for 4 people so far.....
I did buy myself these two shirts-
And am thinking about one of these jackets......but though I just like the look of the wolverine jacket, I'm not sure if that would be wierd or not......wearing something like that.....
What do you think?
I have a case listed for $300, and 8 people are watching it. Perhaps that will sell.....
I watched alien 3 last night......I had to buy the whole set to get the one movie I couldn't find. My brother probably has it.......So now they have all been watched again. I have a ton of dvds, but am sick of them.
Each winter I end up going through them all though.
Speaking of winter, It snowwed this morning. Not allot, but it got pretty cold too.
And I've been doing pretty good at not shopping lately, but should do just a little christmas shopping......I have only gotten gifts for 4 people so far.....
I did buy myself these two shirts-
And am thinking about one of these jackets......but though I just like the look of the wolverine jacket, I'm not sure if that would be wierd or not......wearing something like that.....
What do you think?
anyhow, I think I'll try to go get some sleep before work.......I'll probably dream of fighting aliens
Btw, Max just tried to open my beer whilst i was typing that with a nail clipper!!!?? He broke it...oh no wait , he fixed it lol
I just did something once upon a time that effected the rest of my life , that went against everything I ever believed in. Truly believed in, not just for the sake of my crazy aunts and uncles!!! And I went against it in a split second. It was like another person taking control of my body..but not..saying that would be too easy. I take full responsibility for my actions, but I don't believe they were the right one. I would be in a totally different place right now. But...*sigh* too much damn thinking...
oooooooooooooo ninjas are on the tv!