guess it's time for a new blog?
new years was fun. this is my favorite photo of the evening:
not gonna lie, been feeling some anxiety about my relationship recently. i think it's just because we're approaching the three month marker, and i've been waiting for him to spontaneously decide he can't stand me. but i talked with my bestie, and i even talked with HIS bestie (yeah, we're cool now), and finally last night i had a talk with him... and everything seems to still be kosher. so i am relieved. i didn't want to rush things, but we needed to discuss whether we're just fucking around, or if this is is truly worth investing ourselves in. and it seems, it still is. so i feel a whole lot better today.
got an ear infection and pinkeye.
very close to being laid off. very very close. but still no cigar, so that's cool!
i guess i've just been sort of out of it recently. wanting to spend a bit of time alone, reflecting and getting my shit together.
i feel like 2010 is going to be a good year, but it isn't necessarily going to be an easy one. been reading a bunch of psychic predictions and astrology stuff, and i think this year is really a make or break one for everybody. remember when i posted a while back about the saturn return? well i feel like with 2012 approaching (the end of an ERA, not the end of the world), the whole world is in a saturn return right now. all sorts of upheaval happening on all fronts, be it domestic or international. and i think when we come out of it in a few years, life is going to be wonderful. but until then, we all have to keep our hearts open to all possibilities.
anyway...other than that...things are good. more of the same.
i am preparing a CV for my french friend to bring back to france with him. that'd be nice, livin it up in gay Paree!
have you all seen the guild or the legend of neil yet? AMAZING!
and other than that, it's bedtime. night sg.

new years was fun. this is my favorite photo of the evening:

not gonna lie, been feeling some anxiety about my relationship recently. i think it's just because we're approaching the three month marker, and i've been waiting for him to spontaneously decide he can't stand me. but i talked with my bestie, and i even talked with HIS bestie (yeah, we're cool now), and finally last night i had a talk with him... and everything seems to still be kosher. so i am relieved. i didn't want to rush things, but we needed to discuss whether we're just fucking around, or if this is is truly worth investing ourselves in. and it seems, it still is. so i feel a whole lot better today.

got an ear infection and pinkeye.
very close to being laid off. very very close. but still no cigar, so that's cool!
i guess i've just been sort of out of it recently. wanting to spend a bit of time alone, reflecting and getting my shit together.
i feel like 2010 is going to be a good year, but it isn't necessarily going to be an easy one. been reading a bunch of psychic predictions and astrology stuff, and i think this year is really a make or break one for everybody. remember when i posted a while back about the saturn return? well i feel like with 2012 approaching (the end of an ERA, not the end of the world), the whole world is in a saturn return right now. all sorts of upheaval happening on all fronts, be it domestic or international. and i think when we come out of it in a few years, life is going to be wonderful. but until then, we all have to keep our hearts open to all possibilities.
anyway...other than that...things are good. more of the same.
i am preparing a CV for my french friend to bring back to france with him. that'd be nice, livin it up in gay Paree!
have you all seen the guild or the legend of neil yet? AMAZING!
and other than that, it's bedtime. night sg.

Pinkeye? who farted on your pillow? 

CLEARLY i got too excited and typo'd lol...fixed!