now i just need to figure out what to do with it. i assume it's going to end up being someone's christmas present.
i've been having a lot of dreams about snakes lately. i did some digging about dream interpretation to find out why. now, even though i put a LOT of stock in astrology and divination, i think dream interpretation is extremely subjective. they can be really vivid and powerful, but i feel like sometimes symbolism outlives what it represents, ESPECIALLY symbols with religious undertones. so this is with a grain of salt (in my mind, at least).
basically, dreams about snakes indicate betrayal, as well as some sort of sexual issue. three words- adam and eve. now, this makes perfect sense when i think about the whole married guy situation. i'm still wrestling with quite a bit of anger towards him- i just can't believe that he's not going to face any consequences for what happened. and i want him to. you don't get away with hurting me. (i've discussed this with the boy and he understands. )
my most recent dream involving snakes consisted of a baby python wrapped around my left arm. i was trying to bond with it- i remember getting annoyed that it didn't want me to be it's friend/mother. and the fucking thing was biting me repeatedly and trying to get away. however, it had no fangs. no teeth in it's head whatsoever. so it was trying to harm me, and it was completely powerless to do so.
hmmm. snake = married guy.... "you have no power over me" (labyrinth, anyone?)
so i felt a lot better when i figured that out.
and he's currently out of the country on vacation. for some reason, that also makes me feel better. chance to recharge some good energy with out interference.
other than that, business as usual. work is fine. lovin' life with the boy in it. seeing mute math friday night with treblah woot! oh and i am still shitbroke. if i'm blowing off anyone or any events, don't take it personally. i am one step away from falling behind on my bills at all times, so i'm being extremely frugal right now. isn't it sad that two jobs just isn't enough these days?
i FINALLY finished this stash box i've been working on for ages.
I have never had any snakes dreams and perhaps it's because i don't like any snakes at all. Bible says they're the fucking devil!! Like I'm a great Bible thumping sort of guy! !
I know you'll be pissed, but I was in NYC a month ago for a weekend trip and didn't hook up. Fuck, don't beat me up! The wife took me there and Gettysburg for a late BD present. Had a great time in PA and NYC and even saw "West Side Story". One of our favorites.
Oh and don't listen to Tweedle, give the box to me!