3 am drinky blog ftw!
nothing like a night out with derceto to set shit straight. it's really really REALLY nice to have a friend to lean on when yr mind is troubled. and, ya know, me and derceto always have a laugh riot fuckin time.
chinese food and a few drinks at DINGOS DEN (don't act like you didn't love that set in all its trashy jersey goodness). ran into a few homies i used to run with in college. man, i haven't laughed so hard in months. it's always refreshing to hear stories about yourself that you forgot about because you smoked too much pot for a few years. i was sitting on the sidewalk crying i was laughing so hard. i needed that.
anyway, i'm gonna get back to the business of sobering up. i don't look forward to the morning, i was too upset to eat more than a few bites today, so i'm sure i will have a wicked hangover. but hey, it's sunday, the family is out of town, and i don't have shit to do except lay in bed and maybe replenish the cat crunchies.
"do you smell that?"
"yeah i always did. but i was too polite to say anything."
*dies laughing*

nothing like a night out with derceto to set shit straight. it's really really REALLY nice to have a friend to lean on when yr mind is troubled. and, ya know, me and derceto always have a laugh riot fuckin time.

anyway, i'm gonna get back to the business of sobering up. i don't look forward to the morning, i was too upset to eat more than a few bites today, so i'm sure i will have a wicked hangover. but hey, it's sunday, the family is out of town, and i don't have shit to do except lay in bed and maybe replenish the cat crunchies.
"do you smell that?"
"yeah i always did. but i was too polite to say anything."
*dies laughing*
hehehe i want people to tell me funny stories about me...
sounds like you're having fun!