A diminuitive grin
presses the flesh
palm against palm
fingertips shrieking against
coiled steel strings
(it sounds like birds)
he puts his hand on his heart
and sobs alone, along with me
rythmic strumming
I weep
but not gently
spring wire thrums in the hollow of my body,
a hole where a heart should be
leave it for the birds
let them build a ragged nest of it
then set fire to the brush
my stomach churns as it burns,
ashes flutter and collect to
form a lump in my throat
his hands shake, quavering over the last note
presses the flesh
palm against palm
fingertips shrieking against
coiled steel strings
(it sounds like birds)
he puts his hand on his heart
and sobs alone, along with me
rythmic strumming
I weep
but not gently
spring wire thrums in the hollow of my body,
a hole where a heart should be
leave it for the birds
let them build a ragged nest of it
then set fire to the brush
my stomach churns as it burns,
ashes flutter and collect to
form a lump in my throat
his hands shake, quavering over the last note
How's your w/d going? Good I hope