omfg i have been busy.
i'm still on the fence about it...i know the lettering is fucking flawless, and the placement isn't bad...but i'm still feeling self conscious that it's a bit corny. i mean, you all know what i've been going through. you know it works. basically it's a line from a jose gonzalez song that fucking bowled me over as soon as i heard it, as it sums up the past few years perfectly. it's very important to me to have this tattoo and it's ridiculously personal and private. yet it's in a really conspicuous place and nobody gets it. so i'm feeling weird about it even though i fucking LOVE it.
blah blah blah
i've been too busy for compy time. and sg looks fucking weird on the crackberry. (which i thought was going to be faster and more efficient than the sidekick...boy was i wrong! lol) i miss sitting online for hours at a stretch. but at the same time, i don't. it's allowed me more quality time with people that matter.
speaking of people that matter, thank you SO SO SO much to these fine folks for helping me move yesterday:
and my old friend and sg n00b, rickrolled
you guys...i fucking owe you one. and dinner's on me one time, srsly. let's get shitfaced!
we got all my wordly possessions into a 5x10 storage unit in two trips and in less than 5 hours. i didn't get to squeeze in a shower before my tattoo appt, but i did get to go home and rub some deoderant on my scratchy, stinky pits. i'm finally free. it was sad and liberating. i will not lie, i cried a lot when i handed over the keys. but then i sang at the top of my lungs all the way home.
saturday justblaze very graciously squired me to that fucking emo nightmare, the bamboozled tour. or as i like to think of it, hell for anyone with good taste in music. no offense to my darling getfighted, who we ran into almost as soon as we walked in the gate. it's just not my cup of tea.
stupid me being a good older sibling! lol
anyone who says i am too young for the geezers group, i offer this as proof of my eligibility: when the thought of sitting in the parents lounge for several hours sounds WAY more appealing than being in the pit getting sweated on by thousands of people, THAT'S when you know yr old. of course, if it was the right band i'd be in the thick of it screaming myself hoarse, but i am just not a fan of purple jumpsuit apparatus or whatever the fuck it's called. and scene hair is terrible. when did the dokken look come crawling back? leopard print spandex pants and mullets are not attractive people, even when it's tongue in cheek!!!
things are okay otherwise. gonzo77 and i are sort of getting along. it's still kinda hour by hour. we're not throwing things at each other, so that's good. work is kinda slow, and that's cool for a change. my boss is still out sick and has no clue what happened, but my jamacian stitcher came back from vacation today and was way more sympathetic than necessary.
i'm still trying to get used to a completely different train schedule and sleep schedule and hell, life schedule. but at least when i get in the car at night, i know which way i'm driving to get home, even if it doesn't feel like home. my back hurts from sleeping on an air mattress, but i look forward to buying a bed that is 100% mine. so i don't have to feel bitter thinking about whose sleeping in it now, under the blanket my mother got us for christmas.
and hey, money in the bank! i could SURE get used to this.
of course, i got a half sleeve that's gotta get started like yesterday. that is my TOP priority right now. and that may be immature or selfish of me, but my birthday is in a month and it's my present to myself for being in the pit for the past 6 months (or 5 years, depending on how you look at it). so fuck the naysayers.
yeah omfg i have to hit the hay. i get up at 7 am now to my mother screaming at my sister to get up. she's a pisser...two weeks or so i've been here, and i have yet to see her brush her teeth in the morning. disgusting.
love you guys like nobody's business!

i'm still on the fence about it...i know the lettering is fucking flawless, and the placement isn't bad...but i'm still feeling self conscious that it's a bit corny. i mean, you all know what i've been going through. you know it works. basically it's a line from a jose gonzalez song that fucking bowled me over as soon as i heard it, as it sums up the past few years perfectly. it's very important to me to have this tattoo and it's ridiculously personal and private. yet it's in a really conspicuous place and nobody gets it. so i'm feeling weird about it even though i fucking LOVE it.
blah blah blah
i've been too busy for compy time. and sg looks fucking weird on the crackberry. (which i thought was going to be faster and more efficient than the sidekick...boy was i wrong! lol) i miss sitting online for hours at a stretch. but at the same time, i don't. it's allowed me more quality time with people that matter.
speaking of people that matter, thank you SO SO SO much to these fine folks for helping me move yesterday:
and my old friend and sg n00b, rickrolled
you guys...i fucking owe you one. and dinner's on me one time, srsly. let's get shitfaced!
we got all my wordly possessions into a 5x10 storage unit in two trips and in less than 5 hours. i didn't get to squeeze in a shower before my tattoo appt, but i did get to go home and rub some deoderant on my scratchy, stinky pits. i'm finally free. it was sad and liberating. i will not lie, i cried a lot when i handed over the keys. but then i sang at the top of my lungs all the way home.
saturday justblaze very graciously squired me to that fucking emo nightmare, the bamboozled tour. or as i like to think of it, hell for anyone with good taste in music. no offense to my darling getfighted, who we ran into almost as soon as we walked in the gate. it's just not my cup of tea.

anyone who says i am too young for the geezers group, i offer this as proof of my eligibility: when the thought of sitting in the parents lounge for several hours sounds WAY more appealing than being in the pit getting sweated on by thousands of people, THAT'S when you know yr old. of course, if it was the right band i'd be in the thick of it screaming myself hoarse, but i am just not a fan of purple jumpsuit apparatus or whatever the fuck it's called. and scene hair is terrible. when did the dokken look come crawling back? leopard print spandex pants and mullets are not attractive people, even when it's tongue in cheek!!!
things are okay otherwise. gonzo77 and i are sort of getting along. it's still kinda hour by hour. we're not throwing things at each other, so that's good. work is kinda slow, and that's cool for a change. my boss is still out sick and has no clue what happened, but my jamacian stitcher came back from vacation today and was way more sympathetic than necessary.

i'm still trying to get used to a completely different train schedule and sleep schedule and hell, life schedule. but at least when i get in the car at night, i know which way i'm driving to get home, even if it doesn't feel like home. my back hurts from sleeping on an air mattress, but i look forward to buying a bed that is 100% mine. so i don't have to feel bitter thinking about whose sleeping in it now, under the blanket my mother got us for christmas.
and hey, money in the bank! i could SURE get used to this.

of course, i got a half sleeve that's gotta get started like yesterday. that is my TOP priority right now. and that may be immature or selfish of me, but my birthday is in a month and it's my present to myself for being in the pit for the past 6 months (or 5 years, depending on how you look at it). so fuck the naysayers.
yeah omfg i have to hit the hay. i get up at 7 am now to my mother screaming at my sister to get up. she's a pisser...two weeks or so i've been here, and i have yet to see her brush her teeth in the morning. disgusting.
love you guys like nobody's business!
So what's the odds of getting you and Blazey to come up for the Toronto Gala?